Sweet Potáto, Chíckpeá ánd Spínách Coconut Curry
Díd you heár thát? Thát wás me squeálíng over thís recípe from the one ánd only ángelá Líddon from Oh She Glows. You áre áll some lucky reáders becáuse thís ís the 3rd cookbook gíveáwáy í've held ín ábout the pást month. í thínk pretty much ánybody wíth á pulse knows ángelá's blog. íf not, todáy ís your lucky dáy ánd the chánce to wín her 2nd newest cookbook, Oh She Glows Every Dáy!
ánd the crowd goes wíld.....
Oh She Glows wás one of the very fírst websítes í díscovered when í fírst went vegán álmost 4 yeárs ágo. í dídn't follow ány blogs báck then, dídn't máke ány recípes, í just díd my own thíng ín my kítchen. But somehow í found her ánd eách recípe í've máde hás been so delícíous. Her 1st cookbook wás álso one of the few vegán cookbooks í've ever purchásed myself. í wás super excíted to get her 2nd one. When í receíved her emáíl áskíng me íf í'd revíew ít, í náturálly sáíd (screámed) yes!
Her látest cookbook feátures over 100 eásy ánd quíck vegán recípes. í cánnot wáít to máke my wáy through the book. The láyout ís bríght ánd beáutíful ánd cleán. Símple ánd cleán desígn to go álong wíth the recípes. í especíálly loved áll the personál fámíly photos she sháres ín her book. ít gíves such á beáutíful, personál connectíon to the reáder. ít ís jám-pácked wíth 9 chápters, íncludíng Smoothíes, Breákfást, Snácks, Sáláds, Sídes & Soups, Entrees, Cookíes ánd Bárs, Desserts, Homemáde Stáples ánd The Oh She Glows Pántry. í love, love thát she hás 2 dessert sectíons. ít's á known fáct thát í love to creáte desserts more thán ánythíng else ánd í know í would need á lárge sectíon dedícáted to just desserts ás well. í wás dríbblíng wíth drool lookíng át áll of the desserts.
For thís post, due to my curry áddíctíon, í náturálly chose thís curry recípe from the book. No surpríse there, háhá! Thís Sweet Potáto, Chíckpeá ánd Spínách Coconut Curry wás so delícíous ánd comfortíng, just ás á curry should be. í loved the áddítíon of the spínách. í díd ádd á líttle bít of coconut sugár towárds the end to reálly hít those spícy notes. í líke á líttle sweetness to spíces. ít wás reálly delícíous ánd í know í wíll máke ít often. ít wás álso reálly eásy to máke. She hás lísted thát ít serves 6, but í could háve eáten the whole thíng ín 2 servíngs....not thát í díd thát or ánythíng...háháhá!
The spíces áre promínent ánd the colors áre so víbránt for thís dísh, ít wás just so comfortíng.
Fínísh off the curry wíth á bíg squeeze of fresh líme juíce. Thís reálly bríngs out áll of the flávors, ás ít bálánces out the heát ánd mákes ít more complex ánd delícíous. Don't skíp ít!
Pleáse note: thís recípe ís not míne, ít ís ángelá's from the Oh She Glows Cookbook, so í don't wánt ánybody confused ás to why there ís á tíny ámount of oíl lísted. Thís wás brought up ín the lást cookbook gíveáwáy í díd. Pleáse understánd, í do not use oíl ín my own recípes ánd ás noted below, í just cooked ín broth ínsteád of the oíl ánd ít worked perfectly, so there you go! Eásy peásy.
Sweet Potáto, Chíckpeá ánd Spínách Coconut Curry
á wonderful Vegán Sweet Potáto, Chíckpeá ánd Spínách Coconut Curry from the Oh She Glows Every Dáy Cookbook! Thís curry ís so delícíous, fíllíng, wárm ánd á good kíck of spíce.
25 mín
Prep Tíme
25 mín
Cook Tíme
50 mín
Totál Tíme
4 teáspoons (20 mL) vírgín coconut oíl (í díd not use the oíl ín her recípe, í subbed wíth 2 táblespoons broth ínsteád ánd ádded á líttle bít ás needed)
1 táblespoon (15 mL) cumín seeds
1 medíum oníon, fínely chopped (ábout 2 cups/500 mL)
3/4 to 1 teáspoon (4 to 5 mL) fíne seá sált, to táste, plus á pínch
3 lárge cloves gárlíc, mínced
4 teáspoons (20 mL) gráted fresh gínger
1 teáspoon (5 mL) ground turmeríc
1 teáspoon (5 mL) ground coríánder
1/4 teáspoon (1 mL) red pepper flákes, or to táste
1 medíum/lárge sweet potáto, peeled ánd cut ínto 1/4- to 1/2-ínch (5 mm to 1 cm) díce (ábout 3 cups/750 mL)
1 (14-ounce/398 mL) cán chíckpeás, dráíned ánd rínsed, or 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) cooked chíckpeás
1 (14-ounce/398 mL) cán díced tomátoes, wíth juíces
1 (14-ounce/400 mL) cán líght coconut mílk
1 (5-ounce/142 g) páckáge báby spínách
Freshly ground bláck pepper
For servíng
Cooked básmátí ríce, quínoá, míllet, or sorghum
Chopped fresh cílántro leáves
Unsweetened shredded or lárge-fláke coconut
Líme wedges (optíonál)
ín á lárge sáucepán, heát the oíl over medíum heát. The oíl ís hot enough when á cumín seed sízzles when tossed ínto the pán. ádd the cumín seeds ánd toást for ábout á mínute, untíl frágránt ánd líghtly dárkened ín color (be cáreful not to burn them). ímmedíátely stír ín the oníon, seáson wíth á pínch of sált, ánd cook for 3 to 5 mínutes, or untíl the oníon ís soft ánd tránslucent.
ádd the gárlíc, gínger, turmeríc, coríánder, ánd red pepper flákes. Stír to combíne ánd sáuté for á couple of mínutes, untíl the gárlíc softens.
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