í reálly líke hávíng pre-cooked chícken ín the frídge thát í cán use to quíckly whíp up á sándwích or wráp, or ádd proteín to á bowl of pástá, sálád, or one of my “leftovers” bowls. Whíle í often use á rotísseríe chícken for thís purpose, they áre sometímes just too sálty ánd we háve á hárd tíme goíng through á whole chícken between the two of us. So, thís week í experímented á bít more wíth the “low ánd slow” roástíng method ánd máde these íncredíbly tender ánd juícy Herb Roásted Chícken Breásts.

í fírst used the “low ánd slow” techníque wíth my Oven Roásted Chícken Legs ánd wás reálly pleásed wíth not only the texture of the meát, but the delícíous juíces thát were left ín the dísh áfter roástíng. Thís tíme í combíned the butter wíth á trío of herbs ánd sláthered ít over two bone-ín, skín-on splít chícken breásts. The breásts were quíte lárge, so í lowered the heát á bít ánd let them roást even longer before removíng the cover to let them brown. The results were even more íncredíble. í pulled the meát from the breásts áfter cookíng, drízzled the juíces over top, ánd háve been snáckíng on the meát áll week.

ánd for áll you ínstánt Pot / Pressure Cooker owners out there, You cán máke thís dísh even fáster ánd eásíer! Just follow the techníque used ín my Pressure Cooker Chícken ánd Ríce recípe (pressure cook then broíl to brown the skín).  👍

You reády for the most tender ánd juícy chícken breást EVER?



These juícy ánd tender Herb Roásted Chícken Breásts áre á breeze to máke ánd áre á greát substítute for store bought rotísseríe chícken. 

Totál Cost $7.69 recípe / $1.92 servíng
 Prep Tíme 15 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 2 hours
 Totál Tíme 2 hours 15 mínutes

3 Tbsp room temperáture butter $0.33
2 cloves gárlíc, mínced $0.16
1 tsp dríed básíl $0.10
1 tsp dríed thyme $0.10
1 tsp dríed rosemáry $0.10
1/2 tsp sált $0.02
Freshly crácked pepper (ábout 10 cránks of á míll) $0.03
2 splít chícken breásts* (ábout 3 lbs. totál) $6.85

Preheát the oven to 275ºF. Remove the chícken from the refrígerátor ánd állow ít to wárm slíghtly ás you prepáre the butter herb míx (5 mínutes or so).
ín á smáll bowl, stír together the butter, mínced gárlíc, básíl, thyme, rosemáry, sált, ánd pepper. Rosemáry píeces cán be quíte lárge, so eíther chop or crumble the dríed píeces wíth your hánds before áddíng them to the míx.
Pláce the chícken on á cuttíng boárd ánd pát ít dry on both sídes wíth á cleán páper towel. Smeár the butter herb míxture over both sídes of the chícken. Dryíng the meát wíll help the butter herb míxture stíck. íf the meát ís too cold, ít wíll form condensátíon ás you rub the butter míxture over the surfáce ánd the butter wíll not stíck.


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