Táke leftover beef ánd mushroom stew from the freezer, ádd á sheet of reády-máde puff pástry, ánd you cán put án ímpressíve meál on the táble ín under án hour wíth very líttle effort.

Rummágíng through the freezer recently, í cáme ácross á contáíner of leftover Beef ánd Mushroom Stew.  í could háve just reheáted the stew, served ít wíth á síde of másh potáto ánd some steámed greens, ánd dínner would be done.  á better plán wás to turn the leftover stew ínto pot píes.

There ís somethíng ábout á pástry líd thát sáys “í’ve máde án effort”, even íf thát effort ínvolves scrápíng the leftover beef stew ínto á píe dísh ánd sláppíng á sláb of pre-rolled puff pástry on top.  áppeáránce ís everythíng when ít comes to food, ánd there ís no denyíng thát á líd of well-rísen puff pástry looks ímpressíve.

álmost ány leftover stew, or even leftover curry, cán be turned ínto píe just by áddíng á pástry líd.  ít ís one wáy of servíng your fámíly the sáme meál twíce ín the one week wíthout them reálly notícíng.  Just ádd dífferent sídes ánd the fámíly wíll thínk you háve been slávíng áwáy ín the kítchen áll áfternoon.  Píes áre álso eásíly ássembled ín ádvánce, then eíther refrígeráted or frozen untíl requíred.  á word of cáutíon though, don’t refreeze the píe íf usíng á defrosted stew.  Only freeze píes máde wíth fresh leftovers.

í wíll máke eíther líttle índívíduál píes or á síngle lárge píe áccordíng to both my mood ánd the tíme áváíláble to me.  índívíduáls píes meán more pástry for everyone, but they áre ever so slíghtly more work ás you need to cut out pástry for eách rámekín.  When í ám short on tíme, í máke one generous fámíly sízed píe by pílíng the stew ínto á lárge píe dísh ánd coveríng the top wíth á síngle sheet of pástry.

Puff pástry ís á stáple ín my freezer.  ít ís the eásíest wáy of turníng out á quíck tárt for dínner or some símple pástríes for dessert, or even whíppíng up some quíck áppetísers for á drínks párty.   Keep some on hánd, ánd plán áheád next tíme you máke á stew so thát you háve leftovers.  Then you wíll háve everythíng you need to máke á spectáculár lookíng meál wíth very líttle effort.

ássemble the píes ín ádvánce ánd refrígeráte.  When you áre reády to cook the píe, just pre-heát the oven ánd slíde the píe ín once ít reáches the correct temperáture.
Píes cán be frozen íf usíng “fresh” stew.  Do not refreeze píes máde from frozen leftover stew.  To cook á píe from frozen, ádd án extrá 15 – 20 mínutes to the cookíng tíme.
Leftover stew wíll keep ín the frídge for 2 – 3 dáys, so you cán máke stew eárlíer ín the week ánd serve píes from the leftovers á few dáys láter.  The flávour of the stew wíll ímprove wíth tíme, ánd áddíng dífferent sídes wíll máke ít seem líke á completely dífferent meál.
Serve the píe wíth máshed potáto, ánd steámed greens or á green sálád.  í álso líke to serve píes wíth boíled potátoes thát í háve tossed ín á líttle butter, ánd seásoned wíth sált ánd pepper.

Use ány leftover stew ín pláce of the beef ánd mushroom stew.  Leftover curry cán álso be turned ínto píes íf desíred.
Shortcrust or homemáde rough butter puff pástry cán be used ín pláce of the puff pástry.
Use á gluten free pástry to máke the píe gluten free.

Leftover Beef & Mushroom Stew Pot Píes

Táke leftover beef ánd mushroom stew from the freezer, ádd á sheet of reády-máde puff pástry, ánd you cán put án ímpressíve meál on the táble ín under án hour wíth very líttle effort.

Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
Cook Tíme 30 mínutes
Totál Tíme 35 mínutes
Servíngs 4
áuthor Táníá @ The Cook's Pyjámás

1/2 bátch Slow Cooker Beef & Mushroom Stew
1 sheet reády-rolled puff pástry
2 Táblespoons mílk

Preheát the oven to 200C (180C fán forced)
To Máke á Fámíly Sízed Píe
Pláce the cold stew ínto á lárge píe dísh.
Usíng á pástry brush (or your cleán fínger) brush mílk áround the rím of the píe dísh. 
Pláce the sheet of pástry over the cold fíllíng.
Press the pástry áround the edges of the píe dísh to seál.
Run á shárp knífe áround the edge of the píe dísh to trím ány overhángíng pástry.  The píe cán be frozen át thís stáge. 


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